Words, Words, and Word Walls

Mrs. M is having a linky party for word walls.  I love WORDS.  I have several word walls in my room.  I have a math word wall located between my windows.  This word wall is mention below and is my favorite wall of words because of its function.  

One of my favorite resources is the portable math word wall. The kids watch as the weekly helper pulls the focus word off the wall.  The kids understand where to find the word during the entire module.  We bring the word to the mini lesson.  What better than to bring the words to the kid's level and not have a seek and find to read a word!

See... It Moves!!

The literacy wall is traditional and hung on my cabinets.  Above my cabinets, I have dead space where word families and blend charts are posted with words, words, words. (blends on the wall where I'm taking the pictures)

The focus wall has vocabulary words for each theme and is posted weekly with strategies, spelling, and high frequency.

You can find links to all high frequency words via Santa Maria Bonita Schools, focus wall sheets, and my word families located under my header.  Here is a great resource for math word walls from Broward County.
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